
Performance Shortboard
The Performance Shortboard is exactly what it’s named! It’s the most refined performance shape that we do. It’s will allow its surfer to surf with confidence in good to pumping waves, with high speed and control helping surfers pull off manoeuvers seen on the WSL tour. This type of board will range from 5’9” - 6’4” and is usually between 19” -19 3/4” wide depending on the size of rider. It has low refined rails, deep concaves, pulled in curves through the nose and tail, which allows the surfer to surf fast, responsive and is great weaving through hollow barrels. This board is a must have in the quiver and any core surfer will usually own more than one version of this shape. Available in either PU or EPS construction with many different glass options. Futures or FCS2 plugs, carbon options etc. Definitely have a chat to Scott about custom shape options to cater for each surfers abilities and requirements.

The Groveller model is another high performance small to medium wave option. The board has more volume than our regular performance boards allowing you to paddle against the running rips and keep your wave count up. They can be surfed 2+ inches shorter than your regular performance board. It has a flatter rocker with a super deep concave making it a very fast option. This is also a great option for heavier surfer. It will fly through sections and will also perform well in the pocket or barrel. Usually comes with a swallow tail or wide squash tail. Available in both FCS or FUTURES plug options.

Twin Fin-
Our modern Twin Fin is proving so be a great small wave option for some summer fun. Combining modern design with traditional elements these boards are an awesome addition to your quiver, they perform well in small gutless surf conditions with their low rocker and wide tails helping you will fly though those flat sections with a skatey feel allowing you to hit the lip with speed or gliding across it with stability helping you pull off manoeuvres you only dream about! They usually come with a deep concave and are available in FCS or FUTURES plug options.

The Rocket is our most popular shape; you should ride it 5 inches shorter than your shortboard. It is our best seller because they are super stabile, very fast and responsive, performing best in small sloppy waves 1-4foot. This shape has a fairly flat rocker with hidden volume that helps catching waves and is great for paddling, it will certainly increase your wave count. When the surf isn’t that great grab your Rocket, and if you don’t have one you need to get one, every surfer should have one in their quiver. Available in either swallow or Rocket tail. This shape works best with a single concave bottom. Available in EPS or PU and Futures or FCS2 with Thruster or 5 plugs set up as they also perform really well as quads.

All Rounder-
The Allrounder is a great model if you don't live on the coast and need to travel to surf and only want to take one board, or if you go on a holiday and only have room for one board in your luggage. Basically it goes well in most conditions. This design has refined rails with a pulled in round tail , its a fun shape if you are looking to surf in small, medium or even bigger waves. It has plenty of foam under the chest area giving paddle power but then once you are up and riding its performance tail allows hold and control. The bottom runs a single concave through to a Vee bottom depending on the surfers requirements. You can surf this board in waves up to 8 foot depending how skilled you are. Available in EPS or PU with Futures or FCS2 plugs, Thruster or 5 plug fin setup.

The Grommet Model is a great all round board for kids who have basic skills and are ready to start carving it up and taking their surfing to the next level. This is a shorter wider performance board for the groms. The rocker, rails and plan-shape have been refined to suit a young grommet who is wanting to challenge their surfing as they start growing up. This board will allow groms to throw their weight around and start turning on rail with power, speed and looseness. It's still forgiving while being high performance and more refined. A medium rocker with low smooth rails, forgiving up front and hard through the tail, it has some extra width in the outline to give stability and to help the groms progress in their surfing. The bottom is usually a single to double concave in PU. Available in Futures or FCS2 plugs.

Swallow FLyer-
The Swallow Flyer model is a wider flatter version of our Performance Shortboard. It has plenty drive, gliding into waves and is a great paddler. The single bump in the outline takes out some of the width in the tail giving you more manoeuvrability in your turns. It has a Swallow tail to increase momentum and manoeuvrability in small to medium waves. It has low-medium refined rails with a low rocker. This complete combination makes the board looser to allow for a more vertical, in pocket style of surfing. It comes standard with single concave but is also available with channels. It's a great beach break option and is one of our favourite models. Available in EPS or PU with either Futures or FCS2 plugs as a thruster or 5 plug fin set up

The MICROMAL is a very versatile shape suits most levels of surfers. With the extra width in its outline it makes it super stable suiting beginners. Experienced surfers can also have a lot of fun with this model surfing it 4 to 6 inches shorter than their regular SHORTBOARD, it has plenty of volume under the front foot with a pulled in tail allowing it to rip on small to medium full shaped waves. It’s a great alternative if you like surfing short boards with extra volume or is a great option stretched to suit a beginner. Available as thruster fin set up or centre box plug with side stabilisers.

Step Up-
The Step Up can be quite versatile. This board will perform better in medium to solid conditions. It has similar components to our smaller performance short board, allowing you to transfer from one board to another without any problems. This board would be slightly thinner and a touch narrower than your performance short board and would usually be about four inches longer. With our mini guns we can run a range of different bottoms from single concave to double to vee etc. A pintail, round tail and small swallow tail is available in this model. It's the perfect board to take on an Indo boat trip and will help you get the barrel of your life. Available with either Futures or FCS2 plugs.

mini mal-
The minimal is a small type of modern Malibu designed for easier surfing. They suit beginners, heavy people or people who don't surf that often. They have extra volume and width throughout, allowing easier paddling and greater stability. This helps beginners develop their basic surfing skills. This type of board can range from about 6'10" to 8'0" depending on the rider. They generally have rounded square tails with concave to flat bottoms for stability. Available in Futures or FCS2 plugs and EPS or PU.

Single Fin-
Our Single Fin model will take you back in time but will the combination of today’s materials and rail shapes it will perform with speed and power. It’s hard to beat the feeling of carving top to bottom along a big wall on a single fin increasing momentum on every turn. It’s a great break jumping on a single fin instead of your regular shooter every now and then and by surfing this model it will actually help with refining your bottom turns that you will benefit from when you jump back on your regular boards. All single fins can be customised to suit surfer with a nice Vee bottom increasing through the tail to give you that classic rail to rail feeling.

modern longboard
The modern day Malibu has similar characteristics as the Minimal, however it is built for people wanting a bit more length and volume in their board. We can shape this type of board into a performance mal giving you great maneuverability and speed. They excel in smaller conditions as they have so much flotation allowing the rider to catch waves earlier. This type of board can range from 8'6" to 9'6" depending on the rider. Rounded squares, round tails and swallow tails are available. This shape can also be adjusted to suit noseriding. They have a nice deep concave through the nose fading into a Vet through the tail. The most popular fin set up is the 2 + 1. Available in EPS or PU.

The Gun is purely designed to ride big waves. They can handle more speed than short boards and carve through chop and wind easier. These boards are refined throughout, being longer the extra length allows the rider to catch waves earlier, which is obviously an advantage in bigger surf conditions. We recommend a pintail, rounded pin or small swallow tail to give this board the best control in bigger conditions, which must be vital at times. This type of board can range from 6'10" up to 9'0"+ depending on how crazy you are! It would be best to speak to Scott Peberdy about your ability and surfing destinations and get this board customized to your own specs. Futures and FCS2 Plugs available and thruster or quad fin placement is available.

Tow board-
We actually have many different options with our towboards; it all depends on the wave conditions and sizes you are surfing. Generally you need to surf your towboard about 3 or 4 inches shorter than your shortboard. If you are surfing solid waves which most tow surfers are then we keep super hard fine low rails, with deep concaves, channels and a heavy glass jobs helping the board cut through wind chop and any steps in the wave. Tow straps are available and channels can be positioned to your own specifications depending on whether you want the board set up for either a goofy or natural footer, or we can cater for both. You ride towboards thinner and narrower than your shortboard, this is all worked out when ordering your board and talking to Scott Peberdy. They usually have pin tails or tight swallow tail. Available in EPS or PU with either Futures or FCS2 plugs, set up as a quad or thruster.

noosa noserider-
The NOOSA NOSERIDE is our traditional noserider. This design has evolved from similar shapes starting back in the 60's era combined with today modern technology and materials.It has a deep concave running over the front 2/3's of the board, with a V across the back 1/3 of the board. The large nose area gives you plenty of stability for hang-five or hang-ten, with a flat rocker on nose and a medium rocker square tail to make this board versatile.This board will perform as well in 1ft waves as it would 5ft waves. This board comes with 50/50 rails, with a single fin box set further back in the tail making it the ideal nose rider! It is the perfect model if you want to progress in noseriding and will make you love surfing like never before.

wake surf-
Our Wake Surf model is great for carving big hacks behind your boat, its fast, light and great for busting big airs. With an EPS foam core glassed with a carbon innegra deck making this board stronger, lighter and more responsive. Available with Futures or FCS2 plugs, you can ride as a single fin for a true skim feel, or ride it as a twin fin for a more skatey feel, or ride it as a thruster for a solid surf feel. It has a flat rocker with low hard rails and a wide rocket tail. This board will take your wake surfing to the next level.

Stand up paddle board packages are available ranging from 9’0” - 11’0”. We usually have many options and it’s best to contact us to check availability. Custom made SUP boards are also available.

This type of hybrid board is great for surfers who are usually bigger than most, who need the extra volume or who don’t have the skills to ride a smaller high performance shape. It’s a very stable shape with a wider outline making it a great board to catch plenty of waves on and will help you keep up with the rippers in the line up. It’s thicker and wider than your normal shortboard and usually ranges between 6’4”and 7’2”. It has a low rocker with boxy forgiving rails with also caters for beginners or surfers who may not get int the water as much as they would like. This shape is more popular in EPS and is available with Futures or FCS2 plugs.
PU Surfboard Construction
Up to 6'6" = $750
6'7"- 7'0" = $780
7'1" - 7'6" = $800
7'7" - 8'0" = $850
8'1" - 8'6" = $900
8'7" - 9'0" = $950
9'1" - 9'6" = $1000
EPS / Epoxy Construction
Up to 6'6" = $850
6'7" - 7'0" = $880
7'1" - 7'6" = $900
7'7" - 8'0" = $950
8'1" - 8'6" = $1000
8'7" - 9'0" = $1050
9'1" - 9'6" = $1100
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